
Benefits of Breastfeeding

Why should you consider breastfeeding?

Human breast milk has been proven to have many benefits. According to research, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is the optimal way of feeding babies. After this, infants should receive complementary foods with continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond. But why should you consider breastfeeding your baby? Here are 3 clinically-proven reasons:

1. Benefits of Breast Milk

  • Complete nutrients

  • Digested easily by baby

  • Protects against infections

  • Natural resource with minimal ecological footprint

2. Nutrient Differences

The milk sugar ‘lactose’ provides energy and supports the growth of good bacteria in your baby’s stomach. The higher levels of protein in animal milk make it difficult for a baby’s kidneys to process.


3. Protection against infection

Breastfeeding protects babies from illness including diarrhea, ear infections and pneumonia. When you are unwell, antibodies are made to protect you and these are passed-on in your breast milk, to protect your baby. This is why it’s important for you and your baby not to be separated.


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